Second baby! Back to blogging.

I’ve forgotten my password. It’s been that long since I last accessed this blog and thank goodness for password retrieval options, I’ve finally managed to get in!

So hello…again 🙂 My eldest, Z, has just turned 3 and I gave birth to my second girl, E, last April 12th.Isn’t she lovely? I got back to reading a lot of parenting blogs and they have inspired me to write once again.

Being a parent is never an easy thing. Personally, I find motherhood to be the most terrifying, rewarding, exhausting ‘job’ ever. And when, last December 2014, we found out that we were going to have another baby, I realized the 2 girls would be three years apart and I had completely forgotten about the sleepless nights, the colicky baby, the fussing, diaper-changing, the various baby cues I had researched to no end with my firstborn. Now, it’s back to scratch. (Yet another reason for me to ‘start’ again with this blog, seeing as I was spending so much time reading so many.)

Let me share with you some of the dilemmas and solutions I have encountered, some tips for would-be parents and some funny stories of my kids as well. Let me offer you a peek into the life of an average, middle-class family and how we make it work.

And if you’re a parent and would like to share your experiences, well, I would love that too!

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