Happy New Year!!!

I know the toppers are for Christmas but hey, it’s still under the ‘holiday’ theme so please let it slide.christmastreecupcakes_zps983dd381
I feel like 2012 just breezed by me. Having a baby puts everything on fast-forward and last year, no matter what I did, it was like I couldn’t catch my breath.
There are so many things I am truly thankful for – a husband who supports me, a healthy and happy baby, work that fulfills me and family and friends who make me feel like the luckiest woman on Earth.cuteflowercupcakes_zps42c608b4
May 2013 whisper wonderful moments in your ear, may every experience promise joy and hope and love for you and your family. May every glorious second last forever.
Wishing you the best this new year!