5 Places To Find Support for Breastfeeding Moms

My baby is now 10 months old and I have been very lucky to have given her only breastmilk.

It hasn’t been an easy journey! I have been plagued with lots of moments of self-doubt, insecurity, and plain ol’ exhaustion. Many times I just wanted to give up.

It’s really important for you nursing moms to have a solid breastfeeding support group in place. I think I’ve mentioned this time and again, my local breastfeeding group on Facebook did wonders for me! Not only did I realize that so many mothers go through situations that were similar to mine, I also got so much encouragement and (free!) advice from other moms who had been in my place. They persevered. They did it. You can do it too!Breastfeeding Support

“The longer I breastfed, the more lessons I learned.” -kellymom.com

Just in case, here are 5 other places where you can find support as a breastfeeding mother:

1. Your husband! (Or your family members and close friends)

It isn’t true that husbands don’t play an important role when it comes to breastfeeding. Mine totally supported me, and those times when I desperately needed a break? He stepped in without waiting for me to ask. I love how the husband in this blog supported a mom’s breastfeeding experience. She wrote:

“I don’t think he was ever jealous of the time and attention I put into breastfeeding our son. If he was, he dealt with it himself – because he saw that it was his own issue, not mine.”

2. Nursing stations

Odd right? I never thought that going to nursing or breastfeeding stations in the mall or in the workplace would actually be something enjoyable! When you do go to these rooms, you usually see happy, fellow-breastfeeding mothers who are eager to share their stories! Yes, some will just be polite and smile and not talk so much, but A LOT will open up to you. If you have questions or concerns, it’s nice to just air them to fellow moms who, for sure, will understand where you’re coming from.

3. Breastfeeding Seminars

Just like meeting moms in nursing stations, breastfeeding seminars are the best! Not only do you learn a lot from the discussion, but you get to interact with so many other moms who have the same fears and issues as you. It helps a lot to know you’re not the only one wrestling with breastfeeding. Plus, it’s a great feeling to see how so many mothers are determined to give their babies the best!

4. Check online

Websites like Kellymom, La Leche League and so many others are just a click away. Breastfeeding forums galore too! I know the thousands of results that pop up when you type on Google can be quite intimidating, if you know the website or hotline number of your local breastfeeding org then checking with them first might be easier.

5. Be your Number 1 fan

Have faith in yourself! Never, ever chastise yourself or think of yourself as a failure. That’s not going to help! Instead, encourage, praise and believe in yourself.

“Your body knows how much milk to produce.”

Some days will be more difficult than others. It’s ok. It won’t last forever! It might be a little easier to bear if you have these areas for support. So take that breath and cuddle your baby!


Helpful breastfeeding sites and pages

I mentioned that I would share with you some of the websites and forums that really helped me out when I started breastfeeding? Well, here goes! First, know that there’s a wealth of information out there on the topic. You can actually go crazy with the number of resources open to you when you go online. After spending so much time researching in preparation for breastfeeding, I found that some articles would conflict with the information that I would read in another article. I started to get confused: one would say pumping milk is bad, the other would say pumping could increase your supply. Or one would say don’t freeze your breastmilk while others would say it’s perfectly okay to store your stash in the freezer. When it started to stress me out, I decided to select only a few websites that I would check regularly for tips and news. And they are (tan-tan-an-an!) ~

– A very organized website that explodes with information! Everything from how to establish a proper latch, how to deal with sore nipples and even breastfeeding children with special needs.
The Boob Geek
– Similar to Kellymom, this is an evidence-based breastfeeding support website from certified lactation consultants. Very insightful on some issues such as milk supplements and stuff.
La Leche League of the Philippines
– Something closer to home, this site gives information on certified lactation consultants depending on the area you are closest to.
Breastfeeding Pinays
– I didn’t realize how important it is to have a support group when one decides to breastfeed. But honestly? The group of people behind Breastfeeding Pinays lend mothers so much support and encouragement and faith that they just bolster your confidence in breastfeeding. It is also another venue to air your concerns, and no matter how little you think your worries are, these moms freely share their tips, ideas and suggestions.
Mommy Mundo
– A page that basically shares information on events centered on breastfeeding, parenting, childbirth preparation, even seminars for your yaya or house help. These events also feature retailers and suppliers of things you may want for when your little one pops out.
If you’re a visual person (like me) and think that tutorial videos are a gift from God, this is the video series that worked wonders for me. Especially after giving birth and my baby and I were still trying to figure out the right latch.
– I like the video on hand expression as well. Really, you won’t need to look at other videos on breastfeeding after watching Dr. Jane Morton discuss it because these are very comprehensive.
So there you go, I hope this helps you and eases you as it did for me. Happy breastfeeding!

Books and Blogs on Motherhood

Preparing for childbirth is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I’ve wanted to have a baby when I got married but I’ve also never felt more scared and unsure of all my decisions. Most of my closest friends are single, career-oriented individuals who aren’t planning to settle down any time soon. I only have one older sister who has a kid (they live half a world away) and one cousin who recently gave birth but  she also lives in a different country. My mother is gone and I didn’t really know who I coud turn to. However, I was getting plenty of tips from people Im not very close to and other parents I’ve met are super eager to dish out tips and horror stories of their babies.

Luckily my sister-in-law gave me a book  that saved my life. Let me share with you some of the books and blogs I read during my pregnancy that have helped me in ways I cannot describe.


What to Expect When You’re Expecting by Heidi Murkoff. I know the 4th edition is already out but this is the one that I got and I didn’t mind that it wasn’t the latest. There’s a reason why this is called the ‘pregnancy bible’, it is chock-full of tips and detailed descriptions of what a woman experiences throughout her pregnancy. Its chapters are divided into the nine months of pregnancy and touches upon preparing for a baby as well as postpartum. You get exercise tips, a guide on what your diet should be and even comes with illustrations on mommy’s or baby’s positions in certain situations. I must warn you that it also covers every possible thing that could go wrong. So it is kind of scary to read too. I wanted to make sure that I covered all bases so even those chapters that were not applicable to me, I stubbornly read them. I strongly advise you not to do this! I have spent way too many sleepless nights with visions in my head of the bleakest scenarios and in hindsight, I didn’t need to know about them in the first place and could have spared myself the eyebags.132900

The Happiest Baby on the Block by Dr. Harvey Karp. This is completely different from “What To Expect When You’re Expecting”. It’s a fun, light book that tells you what you can expect after you deliver your baby. It is also full of tips and techniques on how you can calm your fussy baby down in minutes. What I like about this book is that it is super easy to read, its fun, its playful and there are plenty of short stories from moms recounting their experiences with their newborns. There are a lot of portions in the book that seem repetitive though and Dr. Karp really likes to stretch his explanations. There are times when I just wanted him to get straight to the point and not go round and round with his statements.

There are several blogs that I also follow and enjoy reading. These sites are also extremely helpful to new moms.

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~ This is the site to log on to if you’re planning to breastfeed your baby. It addresses nursing concerns from mothers who send in their questions or breastfeeding stories.  It’s linked with hundreds of other mommy sites that you can also check out. It contains articles and interviews from doctors and others in the scientific field to make the results as factual as possible. It allows you to comment on posts and the articles here are, most of the time, current.

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La Leche League International
~ Another website for moms who are planning to breastfeed. They have got a wonderful network of experts and fellow mothers who are willing to help nursing moms all over the world. The site also provides links to many other websites that have published articles on breastfeeding and they provide all kinds of support to all new moms who have difficulty breastfeeding. I love to check this site because it is so organized, the categories are easy to spot, feedback is very welcome and even their forums will not confuse you!

There are so many others but these websites are the ones I religiously follow. Most other websites carry the same point and just present it in other ways. Oh I haven’t even covered the websites that I like to visit for baby stuff! There are so many! I’ll do that some other time. If you are a mommy-to-be, congratulations! It isn’t too late to arm yourself with knowledge on your pregnancy and for when your baby arrives. It is always better to be informed and ready. Motherhood is not the same for everybody, nevertheless, it won’t hurt to read these books and websites, follow their advice and be as prepared as you can be.